Asterism's hellscape

hiiii :3 i'm asterism aka mcsnappy aka napolea aka tim aka bitch aka
i'll probably work on this in my free time when i feel like it :3

Feel free to steal my blinkies, just give credit as needed lolz

Q&A to fill the blank space while i work on other things
favorite food? Texas toast or cornbread.
least favorite food? shrimp. i hate shrimp SO much, i just can't get myself to eat
it. I dont know why but i just can't bare to eat it.
Favorite game of all time? Little big planet 2. HANDS. FUCKING. DOWN.
favorite music genre? breakcore, mashcore, dancecore, dariacore, and a little bit of
mallwave and orbcore... basically anything ending in "core."
least favorite music genre? corporate edm. You know the type i'm talking about. Country
comes at a close second but at least it has soul.
favorite songs?

you can go here for my favorite songs :)

pronouns? he/they, generally anything masculine or gender-neutral
birthday? april 7th!
favorite animal? ping pong sea sponge. that thing is a CARNIVORE. a
fucking CARNIVORE. don't ask me how because i have no
fucking clue how.
Why do you talk like
you're written by
because i'm a teenager, what else am i meant to be right now?
"ohohoho mm yes love me some tea and a good old read of
the dictionary" i'm not mature enough to find the dictionary
interesting. Not that i don't, but it's because of other reasons.
favorite color? It's a tie between #2C6060 and #A4ACF9. Both are very
friendly colors, in my opinion.
Do you have siblings? I do, actually, but for her privacy i won't say anything about
Morning person or
night owl?
DEFINITELY a night owl. I sleep in a LOT.
any phobias? Spiders, driving, heights, and (circumstantial) nyctophobia.
Do you remember your
I do! I remember the majority of my dreams, ESPECIALLY
the visceral ones. For example, in 2021 i had a dream a
disembodied floating eye absorbed me.
Favorite time of day? 7 pm. The lighting is nice, and usually at that point i have
nothing to do but lie down in my bed or make things.
What time do you usually
get in bed?
Around 10 pm (eastern daylight time) and i normally
actually fall sleep anywhere from 11 pm to 2 am.
favorite musician? Honestly? It'd be difficult to pick. But from the ones i listen
to, there's shoebill, shimoda, lil kevo, frayu0, ochre, azali,
venturing, and metacore.
What's the funniest joke you
know by heart?
"Cool skeletons are pretty hip."
In one word, how would
you sum up the internet?
What insult have you
been waiting for the
perfect moment to use?
Hell has a higher chance of completely freezing over than
your IQ going any higher than a negative integer, but it's so
close to the theoretical negative infinity that it wouldn't
even make a difference.
What made you use
"thehatman" as your
There's a LOT of reasons. For one, He's a HUGE myth,
and two, he's the antagonist(?) of LSD dream emulator,
and he's also probably one of if not the most infamous
demonic prescence out there, visible in both sleep
paralysis and notoriously benadryl overdoses.
Do you have any medical
I do, but i don't want to elaborate on them here or
anywhere else until i feel comfortable enough.
What characters do
people compare you to?
Chicken little, Moby from Tim & Moby, and wall-e
How tall are you? 5'1...
Can you solve a
rubik's cube?
The heat death of the universe would happen first
If you could have any
job in the world, what
would it be?
Definitely freelance art. It's, like, the only job i can think
of that wouldn't make me paranoid.
What makes you dislike
Mockery or discrimination based on things that can't be
controlled. I.E disabilities, race, personality, etc.
How do you deal with
feeling bad?
Making things. It's my absolute favorite past-time.
What's a value you
wouldn't be willing
to compromise on?
Humanity. If taking the humanity out of something lowers
the quality then it's not worth it. Take AI for example. I
fucking hate ai.
What was your best
halloween costume?
I think on halloween of 2019(?) i went as Taxes. I'm not
even kidding.
What was the first
username you ever
Wickedfishsticks, but that was made by my dad. The one
i ACTUALLY made was The_epix_one on little big planet
3, i think.
What was the worst
assumption someone ever
made about you?
That i was a racist zoophile. what the FUCK. Basically
what happened was that i was harrassing some
anti-furries on roblox for fun and then they used me as an
example of a racist zoophile. specifically because i had a
mask that i later realized looked strikingly similar to a
specific character's mask. I will not be elaborating.
What food is delicious but
painful to eat?
Chilli. It tastes so good but it burns my mouth :(
If you had a warning label,
what would it say?
"please give me space"
Do you write a diary? (SCOFF) yes, i keep it in a note on my phone. There's well
over 2,700 entries since i started it back in early 2021.
Do you have lucid dreams? with how surreal my normal dreams are, oh i fucking wish
In regards to your music,
what are some of your
favorite pieces?
this, this, this, this, and as a bit of an outlier, this. If you feel
like it, you can go here for a compilation of my best tracks
in my opinion. Oh, and, also, this one and this one
If you were given one day
to have the powers of a
god, what would you do?
Make it so that i could have my god powers for the rest
of my life. And, also, make my dream game (An ever-
expanding yume nikki fangame with next to no real end and
insanely convoluted secrets etc etc) in a matter of seconds.

my friend's neocities :) (you can get to its rentry from there)
My other friend's site! a lot of fun stuff to do here :0


(also, no, i don't know how to fix the background)

The skeleton cage;

Punished for his crimes against bonekind and stuf!

DO NOT RELEASE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Years remaining: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww